Our particular hope with families, is to provide support and advice to you as parents as you seek to raise your children in the Christian faith, and relevant and enjoyable Christian contact and teaching for your children, from birth to adulthood.
Main Services
We are more than happy for you to keep your children with you during our main services. However Sunday schools do run for the over 3's. There they will enjoy craft, music and games as they learn about God in a safe and warm environment with fully police-checked volunteers.
In Nutley the children begin the service with everyone else before going to the church hall. In Maresfield they start in the village hall after coffee, when parents that want to, enter the church. For more information, click on services.
If you have under 3s, we have a creche at both churches, and toys and a special area set aside at the back of both churches so that if you would rather be with your child, you can be, whilst still hearing what's going on.
All Age Services
On the first Sunday of every month, we also run special Family Services. These are a favourite with families, are particularly informal, and include children's songs and prayers, and a talk that is accessible to little ones.
The Nutley service takes place at 10.30am and is followed by refreshments. The Maresfield service is at 11.15am, and is preceeded by refreshments and kids play in Maresfield Village Hall from 10.30am.
Other activities
These include:
Finally click here for advice on teaching your children the faith and here for advice on family bible times.