No matter where you live, we would therefore love you to join us at whichever service best suits you.
If you like things a little more formal and enjoy choral music, you may prefer Nutley. However, if your preference is for things to be less formal, Maresfield may be a better fit.
Main Services
- Nutley Church meets at 9.15am and the service is followed by refreshments. This service is more traditional with a robed choir and Minister. Children attend the first part of the service before leaving to their Sunday School groups. A creche is run for under 3s, and a play-mat and toys can be found at the back of the church so that parents that wish to can have their babies and toddlers in the service with them.
- Maresfield Church meets at 11.15am. This service is less formal and seeks to be particularly accessible to those unused to church. A creche is run in the hall and a play-mat and toys can be found at the back of the church so that parents that wish to can have their babies and toddlers in the service with them. The service is followed by refreshments in the church.
- All Age Worship takes place on the first Sunday of every month. These services are a favourite with families, particularly informal, and include children's songs, prayers, and a talk that is all accessible to little ones. They take place at 10.00am in Nutley and 11.15am in Maresfield. Do join us.
Other Services
- In Nutley we hold Book of Common Prayer communion services at 8am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. We also hold a short Common Worship communion service at 6.30pm on the 1st Sunday and at 10am on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
- In Maresfield we hold Book of Common Prayer communion services at 9.15am on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays.
- In Maresfield we also run a weekly toddler service for toddlers as their parents and carers at 10am every Wednesday in church with song, prayers and a story designed for very young ones.