As churches however, we do support two particular charities and projects:
Thare Machi Education was established by one of our Nutley congregation and has a number of our other members also involved with it.
Working through partnerships in the developing world and using cheap, reliable DVD technology, the charity produces dozens of lessons in dozens of languages in order to raise HIV/AIDS awareness and teach people all manner of valuable lessons on key health matters. So far they have 20 titles in English, and are busy producing them in 9 other languages. You could help make it happen!
For more information, see: www.knowledgeandhope.orgThe Peace and Hope Trust is a multi-national non-governmental organization committed to providing relief and development in Nicaragua. It relies heavily on international volunteer participation to implement a variety of projects from building schools, churches and clinics to running sewing programs, health clinics and renewable energy initiatives.
Individuals from both our churches have served with the trust for periods ranging from a couple of weeks to a few months. The organisation offers many different volunteer and internship opportunities, encouraging the involvement of people of every background, age and nationality. Why not consider applying for a time of service with them!
For more informations, see: www.peaceandhope.org